
Study Reference No. - C1D01037

Demographic Gender Age Location Compensation
In general good health; Non-smokers for at least the past 1 year Males and Females 18-55 Mississauga, ON $3,625
Study Details

Study Purpose

The purpose of the study is to compare the amount of active drug in your blood after a dose of the reference product (R1), compared to the test product (T1) under fasting conditions.

Study Duration

Approximately 47 days from period 1 Check-in until the last blood sample collection of the study; 2 cohorts; 4 periods, 2 returns/period; 24 hrs post-dose confinement

Study Schedule

General Screening


Medical Screening

Starting Jan 5, 2022 - Multiple dates. Contact recruitment.

Study Visit(s)

COHORT 1 Check in (PM) Check out (PM) 48 hrs return (AM) 72 hrs return (AM)
Period 1 19-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan
Period 2 02-Feb 04-Feb 05-Feb 06-Feb
Period 3 16-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb
Period 4 02-Mar 04-Mar 05-Mar 06-Mar

COHORT 2 Check in (PM) Check out (PM) 48 hrs return (AM) 72 hrs return (AM)
Period 1 08-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb
Period 2 22-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb
Period 3 08-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar
Period 4 22-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar

Follow-Up Visit(s)


Other Notes

Bring Valid Photo ID.

COVID-19 test will be conducted.