
Study Reference No. - C1D02051

Demographic Gender Age Location Compensation
In good health; Non-smokers for at least the past 6 months Males and Females 18-55 Mississauga, ON $1,870
Study Details

Study Purpose

The purpose of this study is to compare the amount of active drug in your blood after 1800 mg dose of the reference product (R), compared with 1800 mg of dose of the test product (T), under fed conditions.

Study Duration

Total duration is approximately 11 days from period 1 check-in until the last blood sample collection; 2 periods with confinement for approximately 38 hours (form Day -1 check-in until about 24 hours after you take the study drug), 2 returns each period.

Study Schedule

General Screening


Medical Screening

Multiple dates. Contact recruitment.

Study Visit(s)

C1D02051 Check in (PM) Check out (AM) 36 hrs return (starting at 8PM) 48 hrs return (AM)
Period 1 06-Jun-22 08-Jun-22 08-Jun-22 09-Jun-22
Period 2 13-Jun-22 15-Jun-22 15-Jun-22 16-Jun-22

Follow-Up Visit(s)


Other Notes

Bring Valid Photo ID.

COVID-19 test will be conducted.